Do you want to discover which character matches your personality from the popular TV show- Skins? Take this 'Which Skins character are you?' quiz right now. Skins follow the story of teens who try to figure out some aspects of growing up, such as love and life with little adult supervision. The show has unique and inspiring characters like Sid, Tony, and Chris. With this quiz, find out the Skins character with a similar personality to you in just a few clicks. Have fun, and do share the quiz with your friends if you like the results.
Smart and manipulative
The risk-taker
Sweet and soft-spoken! *WOW*
Loyal and loving
The cutest gay to exist ever!
The most helpful friend.
Mature and responsible person.
Hip Hop
Indie Rock
Short, skimpy, revealing anything
What you always wear: a shirt, jeans, hat, etc.
Something neat, color coordinated
Just clothes, what does it matter?
You carefully choose your clothes, but make them seem like they are just thrown on!
A dress and a tonne of accessories
Bright clothes, but not too much
What your GF/BF tells you to
Suspenders, shorts, flannelette
Short skirt, fishnets, backless, midriff tops
Quite charming and able to get people to do what I want, and when I am bored, I like to create drama.
I listen and help out all the time, but I just sometimes wish there was someone to help me.
Sometimes I judge people for what they are, but I don't mean to.
I don't care about much. I usually do what I want. But I care about people.
I usually follow the rules, but I am human and slip up a bit.
I sometimes sleep around a tad, but I don't like it when I accidentally hurt someone's feelings.
I like to look good, mostly. But when it is about serious stuff, I can be really affected.
I am very weird and sometimes get depressed.
I am usually quite mysterious and seem to be heartless, but that's not true.
I just wish I could be loved... and I'm a follower/loner.
Stalk them. They wouldn't like me anyway.
Get them no matter what it takes and who I destroy.
I never know what to do, but I'll end up telling them. Usually, it's too late by then.
I try to kill myself if they don't like me.
I may not like them. I'm probably just horny.
Go for it. You never know unless you try.
I tell them. I don't like liars.
Where there's a will, there's a way. I can do anything.
Leave them a sweet note.
Talk to them flirtatiously and then ask them casually for coffee.
Taking various drugs.
Staying in, studying.
Going out and doing drugs, drinking, just for fun!
Hanging out with your best friend.
Dancing, singing, or acting!
Reading or painting.
Doing what you need to do, and maybe getting time to follow people.
Go out and self-destruct yourself with drugs.
Spend time with your boyfriend or shopping.
All of the above - which you happen to achieve quite successfully.
I like the idea of a donut, a big brekkie, coffee, and a cigarette for breakfast.
I don't eat.
Drugs... if they are a food group.
Something that may make me fit.
Depending on my mood, really!
Chocolate strawberries
Cake with sprinkles.
If it's food, it's food.
Eggy bread.
I don't know where one of them is, and the one parent I have is too controlling.
Very religious.
I don't care for them much.
They are a bit dysfunctional, but I love them, even if they don't know it.
They have done lots of re-marriages.
Too many problems for me to be able to deal with it.
My parents still think they are young and don't care for me much.
They hate me, seemingly. But I love them.
They hold me back too much.
Here's an interesting quiz for you.